A broader review of nutrient density is scientifically justified from many perspectives.
Nordic nutritional recommendations, on which Finland's national recommendations are also based, emphasize the importance of diverse nutrients in the diet.
These include the Nordic recommendations for energy and nutrients based on the latest research evidence. The recommendations are based on hundreds of expert opinions on healthy eating.
In Finland the importance of nutrient density and varied nutrition has been taken into account e.g. in the recommendations of the State Nutrition Advisory Board's Department of Health and Welfare (4 / 2020) and the Omaolo application for wellness coaching to different age groups. Maintaining good nutritional status promotes health, physical and mental functioning, and social well-being and quality of life.
Nutritional recommendations e.g. in the United States, have pointed out that the intake of important nutrients in the population has declined dramatically, while at the same time the number of chronic diseases has increased significantly. Many chronic diseases are associated with poor nutrition and inadequate exercise. One of the most important factors in the US Nutrition Recommendation is the importance of nutrient density as a cornerstone of the diet. The U.S. nutrition recommendation is based on a broad scientific base and extensive work by a committee with expertise.