Nutrition advice for personal use

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Nutri-Flow -ravintotulkki for temporary use

Nutri-Flow -ravintotulkki® tells you what nutrients you get too much and what you get too little. Nutri-Flow -ravintotulkki® goes beyond other nutrition calculation programs: you get personal instructions to improve your diet directly as foods and drinks! The proposed changes are small enough to follow and no food or drink is prohibited. Nutri-Flow -ravintotulkki® also takes into account your allergies and preferences.
Nutri-Flow® offers a database of nutrition as well as lots of ready-made recipes. You can also add your own recipes.
You can use the Nutri-Flow® -ravintotulkki in appropriate subscription periods. Ravintotulkki will not lose your information even if your order period ends. You can return to the user whenever you want by subscribing to a new session.

Nutri-Flow -ravintotulkki® is an easy-to-use service developed by nutrition professionals for diet monitoring, analysis and planning.

There is also a demonstration video to help you get the most out of Nutri-Flow -ravintotulkki®

Measurements and analyzers

Syötä laskuriin oma painosi, haluamasi määrä energiaa kulutettavaksi. Valitse sitten liikuntalaji sekä intensiteetti tai kuormittavuus. Laskuri laskee energian kulutukseen kuluvan ajan.
Painosi: kg
Haluamasi energiankulutus: kcal (= kJ)
Suorituksen kesto: min
Tämä laskuri perustuu osan lajien kohdalta kirjallisuudesta saatuihin tietoihin (mm. Ainsworth ym. 1993, 2000), osan kohdalta arvioihin. Huom! Lopputulos on aina arvio.

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