With Nutri-Flow -ravintotulkki®, all your staff can provide nutritional advice thanks to the service's ease of use. No special expertise is required to use the service.
The Nutri-Flow -ravintotulkki® allows your customers to fill in food diaries at home directly to the service and the information is available immediately. Your customer data and analyzes are easily visible. The analysis and recommendation provided by the program support the work. Staff can focus on the essential, i.e. customer contact. From the program settings, you can choose whether the customer directly sees the results and recommendations of the analysis, or whether they are only seen by your staff who go through the results at the customer meeting. The results and instructions can easily be printed for the client or sent by e-mail.
Measurements and analyzers
Additional information and requests for quotations
Eila Maunu, Sales Manager
Nutri-Flow Oy
p. +358 40 080 5572